New York Denim Academy

The New York Denim Academy is located at the heart of the NYC Garment District. They have been producing clothing in America for top brands since the 1980s. With decades of inspiration and research, they have found the answer to the perfect pair of jeans.

America’s go-to piece of clothing for centuries is a pair of denim jeans. Ever since Levi Strauss invented them during the gold rush, Americans, and later the world has been hooked. But recently, there has been a lack in quality in denim wear. Brands have been moving overseas for production, compromising quality for price. NYDA chose to reverse this trend.

The NYDA decided to make the jeans out of White Oak Selvedge denim. White Oak (Cone Mills) in North Carolina has been operating for over 100 years, it is an American icon. They make some of the highest quality denim in the world, growing cotton in the USA and weaving the denim in NC, USA. Selvedge denim is woven on old shuttle looms, the fabric has a handmade feel and is narrow, it is finished with a self-edge, allowing the jeans to have a clean, finished outer seam. The denim is raw- unwashed- using less water and making for personalized fades over time. As you wear these jeans over time they will begin to tell a story of where you’ve been, they will become part of your journey.

If you ever walk around New York City, you will notice one thing; a lot of New Yorkers wear black, or darker colors. These jeans complement this attitude. They have a darker wash and are consciously made with a darker contrast topstitch, unconventional to the gold thread typically used on denim. By using these darker colors, it gives the jeans an understated, classic look; giving you the ability to wear them from day into night. The details also speak for themselves- minimal branding, the “Subway token” button and the “manhole cover” rivet. As you walk around the city you’ll find a manhole cover that matches the one on your jeans, just don’t try to use the subway token on the metro, they’ve updated their systems.


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